
The DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification) process is designed to accommodate all dental prosthetics and appliances either by embedding a DPid Code into the device or using an associated DPid Identification Card. In cases where the device is too small to physically accept a DPid Code or the patient opts not to have a DPid Code embedded into their device, the DPid Identification Card may be used in its place.

Brian Carson, CDT President of Signature Restorations, Fayetteville, NC testimonial:

The DPid Tier 1 Dental Prosthetics Categories is designed to accept:

For special cases when the prosthetic or appliance does not fall into one of the listed categories, we allow you to select an Other. The dental practice or dental laboratory also has the option of contacting DPid directly to discuss the specific case requirements.


In most cases a DPid Code can be used with an attachment in conjunction with a complete or partial denture; otherwise, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place if necessary. An attachment is a mechanical means of attaching, with interlocking components (matrix/female and patrix/male), a fixed (screwed into place) or removable (click into place) dental prosthetic into the patient’s jaw bone or surrounding permanent teeth.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for attachments including: manufacturer, type, reference number, and lot number, in addition to detailed data listed under complete and partial dentures.

Bruxim Splint

In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into a Bruxim Splint. A Bruxim Splint is a dental appliance used to prevent damage to natural teeth due to a patient’s habit of involuntary grinding or clenching of his or her teeth.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for Bruxim Splints including: type, material, and FDA Registration Number.


A DPid Code cannot be embedded into a CAD/CAM; however, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place. A CAD/CAM is a computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) of various types of restorative prosthetic teeth.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for CAD/CAM teeth including: manufacturer, type, material, and lot number.


A DPid Code cannot be embedded into a ceramic tooth; however, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place. Ceramic prosthetic teeth are created by mixing porcelain powders and liquids into a base shape, then sculpting, and finally firing at a high temperature to form a hard natural looking tooth shape.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for ceramic teeth including manufacturer and lot number for alloy type, Captek, opaque, enamel, dentin, incisal, glaze, modifiers and stains, in addition to FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Complete Denture

In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into a complete denture. A complete denture is a prosthetic that replaces all the natural teeth (dentition) and surrounding tissue of the upper jaw (maxillary) and/or lower jaw (mandibular) teeth.  A complete denture can be removable or fixed.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for complete dentures including teeth manufacturer, line of teeth, mould number and shade number; manufacturer, product name, shade number, fibered, and lot number for acrylic, soft liners, resin tooth bonding agent and hydrophilic resin coating, in addition to FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Crown & Bridge

A DPid Code cannot be embedded into a crown or bridge; however, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place. A crown is a single prosthetic tooth designed to cover a modified natural tooth to restore the missing tooth structure. A bridge is a series of teeth designed to replace missing natural teeth by bridging the gap between and attaching to the modified natural teeth on either side. A crown or bridge can be glued or mechanically attached to a modified natural tooth or implant abutment that provides support.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for crowns and bridges including: manufacturer and lot number for alloy type, amalgam alloy type, composite (including shade number), temporary crown and bridge resin (including line of teeth, mould number, and shade number), and FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Custom Abutment

A DPid Code cannot be embedded into a custom abutment; however, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place. An abutment is a modified natural tooth or implant fixture that is used to support a removable or anchor a fixed dental prosthetic.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for custom abutments including: manufacturer, type, material, diameter, height, reference number, lot number, and FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Denture Gold Teeth

In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into a complete or partial denture that includes a denture gold tooth. A denture gold tooth may or may not have a design, ranging from a simple star shape (many designs are available) to a solid gold tooth.  Denture teeth can be formed from other precious metals as well.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for a denture gold tooth (in addition to complete and partial denture data) including: manufacturer, tooth number, design type, shade number, and precious metal type.


In most cases a DPid Code can be used with an implant in conjunction with a complete or partial denture; otherwise, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place if necessary. An implant is a single prosthetic tooth, or a series of prosthetic teeth, that is mechanically attached to the patient’s jaw. The implant body is the part that is typically screwed into the patient’s jaw bone and the implant abutment is the part to which the dental restoration is attached.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for implants including: manufacturer, type, length, reference number, and lot number, in addition to detailed data listed under complete and partial dentures.

Mouth Guard

In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into a mouth guard. A mouth guard is a removable dental appliance made of resilient material used to protect natural teeth from injury.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for mouth guards including: type and material.


In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into an orthodontic appliance. An orthodontic is a removable dental appliance designed to support, align, or correct irregular positioning of natural teeth.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for orthodontic appliances including type, manufacturer and lot number for wire, clasps, pre-forms, acrylic, bands, appliance accessories, attachments, and expansion screws, as well as FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Partial Denture

In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into a partial denture. A partial denture is a removable or fixed prosthetic that replaces some of the natural teeth (dentition) and surrounding tissue of the upper jaw (maxillary) and/or lower jaw (mandibular) teeth.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for partial dentures including: teeth manufacturer, line of teeth, mould number, and shade number; acrylic manufacturer, shade number and lot number; cast alloy type, manufacturer, lot number, and, if IdentAlloy certified, flexible manufacturer, shade number, and lot number; wire retention manufacturer, type, size and lot number; acetal (nylon clasp) manufacturer, type, size, and lot number; soft liners manufacturer, product name, shade number, fibered, and lot number; resin tooth bonding agent manufacturer, product name, shade number and lot number; hydrophilic resin coating manufacturer, product name and lot number; and FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Pressable Ceramic

A DPid Code cannot be embedded into a pressable ceramic; however, the patient’s DPid Identification Card can be used in its place. A single pressable ceramic tooth (crown) is formed by pressing ceramic material into a mould at a high temperature and is used to cover a modified natural tooth restoring the missing tooth structure.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for pressable ceramic including: manufacturer; ingot, shade and lot number; manufacturer and lot number for modifiers and stains; and FDA product codes and regulation numbers.

Sleep Apnea Device

In most cases a DPid Code can be embedded into a sleep apnea device. Similar to a mouth guard, the custom made device snaps over the upper and lower existing natural teeth or dental arches making it possible for the lower jaw to be moved forward helping to open the breathing airway.

DPid Tier 1 can provide detailed data for a sleep apnea device including type, material, and FDA Registration Number, product codes and regulation numbers.

To learn more about how DPid can benefit you, please explore our web site or contact us.
Thank you for considering DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification).