Dental Laboratories


DPid increases the productivity of Dental Laboratories by providing immediate access to data required for repair or remanufacture of any dental prosthetic or appliance to its original specifications. No more mystery cases! The DPid process also provides identification, documentation, and traceability to support a number of government and industry requirements.

“For me the answer is simple. First and foremost it will be one of the best marketing tools that I can implement; not only does it show that my lab is progressive, totally transparent and following FDA regulations, but my name is clearly marked with my information.”  Testimonial:

Brian Carson, CDT
President of Signature Restorations, Fayetteville, NC

DPid is proud to support the National Association of Dental Laboratories launch of two new social media outlets that will serve as the foundation of NADL’s ongoing public awareness campaign to address core policy objectives that promote “transparency in dentistry” and the role and value of a competently trained dental technician.  DPid is privileged to be listed under “Technology Innovations” under “Resources” on NADL’s website.

Dental Laboratory Benefits

  • Provides documentation, identification, and traceability supporting FDA, DAMAS, and other regulations
  • Provides FDA related Class 2 Dental Medical Device Product Codes and Numbers when applicable
  • Confirms CDT, CDL, DAMAS, or State Registration status
  • Rapid access to materials and components used in manufacturing and/or repairs of dental prosthetic
  • Eliminates guesswork and research time with repairs or remanufacturing
  • Intuitive web based data entry reducing information management time and eliminating paperwork
  • Notification of Pertinent Health Information relating to the patient’s dental well-being
  • Reference photographs of natural dentition and/or dental prosthetics (if available)
  • Additional form of communication and confirmation with dentist regarding manufacturing or repairs
  • Provides an open line of communication between the dentist, dental lab, and patient
  • Rapid, secure and private information available 24/7
  • Minimal cost for implementation, maintenance, and archiving
  • No need for expensive programing, technical support, or equipment

Dental Laboratory DPid Account Benefits

  • Full access and editing to all DPid patients’ Tier 1 information
  • Complete searchable and printable listing of each dentist’s and each dental laboratory’s DPid patients
  • Provides rapid access to patient list pertaining to specific alerts or recalls
  • Convenient and secure means of archiving dental prosthetic ownership and manufacturing data
  • Provides listing of participating dentists and dental labs in case of emergency
  • Provides variety of searchable patient and material reports for analysis, budgeting, and inspections
  • Provides DPid status plus additional advertising/promotional exposure

To learn more about how DPid can benefit you, please explore our web site or contact us.
Thank you for considering DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification).