How Does DPid Work?

DPid Code & Identification Number and Identification Card

Part of the patient’s Information Packet includes the DPid Code & Identification Number to be embedded in the dental prosthetic along with an Identification Card.

Brian Carson, CDT President of Signature Restorations, Fayetteville, NC testimonial:

A DPid Code and Identification Number can typically be embedded into the following dental prosthetics or appliances:

  • Complete Denture
  • Partial Denture
  • Orthodontic
  • Bruxim Splint
  • Mouth Guard
  • Sleep Apnea Device

In addition to these devices, when use in conjunction with a partial or complete denture:
  • Attachments
  • Denture Gold Teeth
  • Implants

In addition to the embedded DPid Code & Identification Number, an Identification Card is also provided that can be used for ALL dental prosthetics, including those on which a DPid Code cannot be embedded due to size limitations, including:

  • Ceramic
  • Crown & Bridge
  • Custom Abutment
  • Implant
  • Pressable Ceramic

This is an acceptable alternative because the patient's Identification Card displays an identical DPid Code and Identification Number as the one that may have been embedded into the dental prosthetic or appliance.

How It Works - Details

To learn more about how DPid can benefit you, please explore our web site or contact us.
Thank you for considering DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification).