Title 21
DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification) may meet the requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services Chapter 1, Subchapter H – Medical Devices, Part 872 Dental Devices, Title 21 (and possibly areas of Current Good Manufacturing Practice [CGMP], Device History Record, and Device Master Record) with respect to documentation, identification, and traceability by providing a unique 2D Code (Data Matrix) and identification number linking to a secure database containing the dental prosthetic’s or appliance’s: 1) unique identification number, 2) country of origin, 3) contact information for the dentist and dental laboratory, 4) patient identification, 5) date of manufacture and of any
subsequent changes, and 6) list of the component’s manufacturer, brand name, certifications, and related identifiers including lot numbers.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, CFR- Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, April 01, 2012,
510k Premarket Notification
DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification) may meet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 510k requirements for the introduction of a new medical device, with respect to documentation, identification, and traceability by providing a unique 2D Code (Data Matrix) and identification number linking to a secure database containing the dental prosthetic’s or appliance’s: 1) unique identification number, 2) country of origin, 3) contact information for the dentist and dental laboratory, 4) patient identification, 5) date of manufacture and of any subsequent changes, and 6) list of the component’s manufacturer, brand name, certifications, and related identifiers, including lot numbers.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Medical Devices Premarket Notification (510k), September 3, 2010,
FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI)
DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification) may meet theU.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Unique Device Identification (UDI) requirements with respect to documentation, identification, and traceability by providing a unique identification number via a 2D Code (Data Matrix) linking to secure database containing the dental prosthetic’s or appliance’s: 1) unique identification number, 2) country of origin, 3) contact information for the dentist and dental laboratory, 4) patient identification, 5) date of manufacture and of any subsequent changes, and 6) list of the component’s manufacturer, brand name, certifications, and related identifiers, including lot numbers.
Rapid access to this data may be helpful in identifying problems quickly and in notifying patients, dentists, and dental laboratories of concerns or recalls, thus increasing the patient’s confidence and well-being by knowing the origin, type, and quality of materials being used in their dental prosthetic or appliance.
Additionally, part of anFDA 2010 study to “Explore Opportunities and Challenges with the Implementation of a Unique Device Identifier System” raised concerns about its application on small dental prosthetics and appliances. DPid has addressed this through its embedded unique 2D Code (Data Matrix) and Identification Card. All devices (Dental Prosthetics) may be identified regardless of size.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Medical Devices Unique Device Identification, September 17, 2012,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Results of FDA Pilot Activities to Explore Opportunities and Challenges with the Implementation of a Unique Device Identifier System, November 30, 2010,
ISO 13485
DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification) may meet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, International Organization for Standardization, and Global Harmonization Task Force voluntary audit report submission guidelines relating to ISO13485 requirements for traceability by providing a unique identification number linking to a secure database containing the dental prosthetic’s or appliance’s: 1) unique identification number, 2) country of origin, 3) contact information for the dentist and dental laboratory, 4) patient identification, 5) date of manufacture and of any subsequent changes, and 6) list of the component’s manufacturer, brand name, certifications, and related identifiers, including lot numbers.
International Organization for Standardization,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF), August 05, 2011,
DPid (Dental Prosthetics Identification) may meet the National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL) Dental Appliance Manufacturers Audit System (DAMAS) requirements, that closely reflect the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Quality System / Good Manufacturing Practice (QS/GMP), for labeling and material traceability through a unique 2D Code (Data Matrix) and identification number linking to a secure database containing the dental prosthetic’s or appliance’s: 1) unique identification number, 2) country of origin, 3) contact information for the dentist and dental laboratory, 4) patient identification, 5) date of manufacture and of any subsequent changes, and 6) list of the component’s manufacturer, brand name, certifications, and related identifiers, including lot numbers.
Rapid access to this information may increase the dental laboratory’s efficiency and productivity in repairing or remanufacturing the dental prosthetic or appliance. It may also increase patient confidence and well-being knowing the origin, type, and quality of materials being used in their dental prosthetic or appliance.
National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL), Dental Appliance Manufacturers Audit System (DAMAS), http://www.nadl.org/DAMAS.cfm